domenica 23 Febbraio 2025

European coffee symposium: come si sta evolvendo l’industria europea del caffè

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  • Dalla Corte
  • TME Cialdy Evo
Demus Lab - Analisi, R&S, consulenza e formazione sul caffè

MILANO — “Il volto che cambia dell’industria del caffè” è il tema dell’European Coffee Symposium, in programma questa mattina, presso l’Hotel Meliá Milano (Via Masaccio 19). L’evento, organizzato da Allegra, è un ideale prologo del The Milan Coffee Festival e costituirà un importante momento di confronto tra specialisti e operatori del settore, sui cambiamenti in atto nell’industria globale del caffè.

Tra gli oratori, importanti personaggi della scena italiana e internazionale, i cui contributi spazieranno in vari campi in una prospettiva interdisciplinare. Una vera full immersion, che  si preannuncia ricca di spunti interessanti e tematiche stimolanti.

Ecco il programma dell’European Coffee Symposium

The Changing Face of The Coffee Industry – Are You Ready?

            09:20 MC Paul Ettinger, European Head, Caffè Nero

Welcome & Open

09:30 Allegra Group, Jeffrey Young, CEO & Founder

 ‘Current & Future Marketplace: Latest Insights from Allegra’s Project Café19 Europe Report’

10:10 Starbucks EMEA, Martin Brok, President

Reimagining Retail’

10:35 Costa Europe, Andrzej Jackiewicz, Managing Director

            ‘The Industry Is On The Move, But Where To?

11:00 COFFEE BREAK (Sponsor Lounge)

11:30 Wayne’s Coffee, Mats Hörnell, CEO

            ‘Wayne’s Coffee – Taking the ordinary coffee shop chain to the next level’

11:55 Cafezal, Carlos Eduardo Bitencourt, Founder & Managing Director

            ‘Why Specialty Coffee Has Great Potential In Italy and How To Achieve It’

12:20 PANEL: ‘How do we further acceptance of specialty coffee in Italy?’

            Allegra Group, Jeffrey Young, CEO & Founder (Chair)

            Gruppo Cimbali, Simona Colombo, Marketing and Communication Director

            La Marzocco, Chris Salierno, Marketing Director

            Simonelli Group, Maurizio Giuli, Head of Marketing and Communication

            Ditta Artigianale, Francesco Sanapo, Owner

            Cafezal, Carlos Eduardo Bitencourt, Founder & Managing Director

13:00   Lunch (Aurora Restaurant)

14:15  Close & Transfer to Milan Coffee Festiva

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