domenica 23 Febbraio 2025

ICE & LIFFE – Le chiusure di ieri alle Borse di New York e di Londra

La borsa di New York e di Londra segnano l'andamento del mercato di caffè: scopriamo come va l'Arabica

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  • Dalla Corte
  • TME Cialdy Evo
Demus Lab - Analisi, R&S, consulenza e formazione sul caffè

MILANO – Dalla borsa di New York e di Londra, arrivano i dati del report Ice e Liffe. Come si sta muovendo dunque il settore del caffè? Lo scopriamo assieme, con il commento degli analisti Hencorp. In lingua inglese, ma comprensibile, trattandosi di un’analisi di numeri facilmente comprensibile per gli addetti al settore.

Ice e Liffe: i numeri sull’Arabica

Arabica coffee futures extended losses Thursday as the technical outlook continued to deteriorate.  The contract with most of the volume for July delivery lost 70 points to settle at 139.85 cents a pound.

A breaking of the key support level at 140 for the July position accelerated the down move,   inching the losses to 2.30 cents during the session.

The volume was modest helped by 2,754 switches.  The active July-September switch finished unchanged at -2.20, after trading inside a narrow range.

The coffee market

It was influenced by a general bearish sentiment of the commodity markets. Recent inflation US data has calmed concerns of raising prices and triggered liquidation of metals and other commodities.  A strong US dollar has aslo contributed to put pressure on the markets.  In weather news, normal temperatures remained on the main growing areas of Brazil with no cold or damage weather forecasted in a near term.

Ice e Liffe: che cosa riportano ancora i dati

London: July/ Sept was more active as the discount widened out towards $20 during the opening period for Robusta. Trade associated selling provided the pressure with the origin influence shadowing the price action with levels adjusting lower with the weaker market.

No Grading so far this week for Robusta but with limited movement of stocks being reported an at least some gradings over the last 2 weeks it would be a surprise if the official Exchange stocks to be released tonight would be lower!

Export figures from Vietnam are being reported at 110,800 tonnes, but once the finale numbers are released we could be approaching 115,000.

The running total for this calendar year

It reached 588,000 tonnes which is around 17% below last season covering the same period. Stocks carried between bonded and public warehouses are still reported to be relatively high.

Lots of option business this week until today but it has drawn attention to look at exposure across the strikes. July carries over 26,000 Calls open between the 2050 and 2300 strikes against 6,666 Puts which tells its own story to the flow of activity.

In the past, such a big open position in Call options has tended to create a ceiling to price action. Over 1,000 July “Against Actuals” help boost first-half turnover which held a tight range into the session as the market work out its direction.

Prices slipped lower

In line with New York but were still hanging on to the momentum which will only be broken on levels settling the week below 2020 in July.

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